Baker’s blog

August 26, 2009

Why revisited…

Filed under: Uncategorized — davebakersblog @ 11:17 pm

So I was feeling nostalgic today after attending the PRSA Summer Mixer and seeing some great friends from college. I decided that this would be the perfect time to attach the link to one of the favorite projects I was involved with during my short time at Fisher. It involved a speaker (who happened to be local media guru and college professor extraordinaire, Tom Proietti ), some press releases and a blog. The latter being the job that I eagerly jumped at as it seemed to be the most fun. The topic was the importance of networking and we thought this fit the college audience well but also this allowed us to open it up to the public as anyone could take something away from Tom.

Check out the site here…


This is the third of these mixers I have attended and this one begs the question what do I get out of it? Or of course, why network?

A few short months ago I would have told you I attend these solely to try and get a job but upon further reflection I realize that isn’t really the case. I attend, and I suspect I am not alone here, to connect with some like-minded individuals. So many of the attendees know each other that it is less about what can you do for me and more what are you up to.

That’s what made me think of the project. Specifically I thought about the message that Tom had for us. It’s all about your personal brand. Are you that “hey, what have you done for me lately?” guy or are you the one that is chatting up the crowd about whatever topic is brought up?

So what did I learn from all of this?

I think I need to get back to my brand! I need to get back to going to these events because I like the people and the message and ideals that they promote. Most of all, I need to get back to that lesson I probably never really forgot at all…

Why network?

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